About Us

World Wide Loyalty System

2WLS was created in 2005 by three relationship marketing passionates, which have previously gained experience in telecommunications services, electronic banking and strategic marketing.

In 2009, a decision was taken by the founders to be backed up by a powerful and international marketing group. In 2009, Maximiles™ (whose corporate name is now BILENDI™), a French company listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, came to 34% at 2WLS capital. Then, in 2011, BILENDI™ climbed to 51%.
This form of sponsorship and technological back up has definitly settled the company.

The basic idea was to design and sell a brand new generation of marketing services:

  • Focused on increasing customers sales
  • With an operational and a decentralized management
  • Integrating all concepts, techniques and technologies resulting from three decades of marketing development: retention, CRM, data mining, profiling, big data, one to one, etc ...
  • Services which, though decentralized in the organization of our customers, strongly contribute to our clients marketing strategy
  • And, last but not least, a 100% profitability services

Our values

  • Challenge & Ambition
  • Commitment
  • Innovation
  • Flexibility
  • Family spirit
  • Citizenship

Our vision

To be recognized as the unique provider for a platform of services including technology, consulting, and operating services enabling companies to generate profit through the delivery of outstanding customer experience
2WLS détient la certification ISO 27001 reconnue mondialement pour les systèmes de gestion de la sécurité de l’information. Cette certification atteste des bonnes pratiques et procédures mises en place par cet opérateur en termes de sécurité de l'information et de gestion des risques.

Meet The Team

Kamilia Soufian

Project Manager

Zakaria Essad

Business & Development Manager

Aboubacar Adamou Souleyman

Expertise Manager

Noureddine Azizi

Information System Manager