World Wide Loyalty System
In 2009, a decision was taken by the founders to be backed up by a powerful and international marketing group. In 2009, Maximiles™ (whose corporate name is now BILENDI™), a French company listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, came to 34% at 2WLS capital. Then, in 2011, BILENDI™ climbed to 51%.
This form of sponsorship and technological back up has definitly settled the company.
The basic idea was to design and sell a brand new generation of marketing services:
- Focused on increasing customers sales
- With an operational and a decentralized management
- Integrating all concepts, techniques and technologies resulting from three decades of marketing development: retention, CRM, data mining, profiling, big data, one to one, etc ...
- Services which, though decentralized in the organization of our customers, strongly contribute to our clients marketing strategy
- And, last but not least, a 100% profitability services
Our values
- Challenge & Ambition
- Commitment
- Innovation
- Flexibility
- Family spirit
- Citizenship